References for Wanderer III
This page is meant for references and to give ideas where to learn more
about the cyberpunk. The pages, movies, books and such mentioned in this
pages are outside Wanderer and not made by the Wanderer Team.
- Isaac Asimov: Dozens and dozens of good scifi books
- Frank Herbert: Dune Saga
- Douglas Adams: The Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy
- Percival Lovell: Mars books
- Arthur C. Clarke
- William Gibson:
- Neuromancer
- All other books by William Gibson are also _highly reccmmended_
- Bruce Sterling:
- Involution Ocean, 1978.
- The Artificial Kid, 1980.
- Schismatrix, 1985.
- Islands in the Net, 1988. John W. Campbell Award
- Heavy Weather, 1994.
- Holy Fire, Bantam Spectra, New York, 1996.
- Judge Dredd
- Judge Andersson
- Nemesis
- Bad Company
- 2000AD
Relevant pages about cyberpunk movies
Recommended Movies
- Aeon Flux (anime)
- Akira (anime)
- Alien (sci-fi) The Aliens FAQ
- Altered States (sf)
- Blade Runner (This film is a must!)
- Brainstorm
- Brazil
- Circuitry Man
- A Clockwork Orange
- Cyberpunk (Intercon productions - documentary)
- Cyberpunk (animated)
- Cyberspace, Power and Culture (documentary)
- The Fifth Element
- Freejack (based on Sheckley's book Immortality Inc.)
- Ghost In The Shell (anime)
- Hardware
- Johnny Mnemonic (based on William Gibson's story of the same name)
- Judge Dredd
- La Femme Nikita (punkish action film - get the original )
- The Lawnmower Man
- The Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace
- Liquid Sky
- 1984
- Mad Max
- Nemesis I
- The Net
- Split Second
- Strange Days
- Terminator I
- Terminator II (sci-fi)
- Tetsuo I: Ironman
- Tetsuo II: Body Hammer
- THX 1138
- Total Recall (based on PK Dick's story We Can Remember It For You Wholesale)
- Tron (science fiction to fantasy)
- Virtual Assassin
- Virtual Reality 1991 (documentary)
Other good references
NOTE: If you know any good sites/movies/books/comics/anything which
should be mentioned here, please send an email toomega@wanderer.org