

Timo hat uns geschrieben!

  From: Timo Multamäki <omega@yin.wanderer.org>
  Subject: W3b is over, what's next?
  Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:45:38 +0300

  Hello Flo, Birtan, Max, Barbara and all others!

  I'm back in Finland. We managed to make in time to Stockholm,
  but it was 36h of constant driving, cool, huh?

  Anyhow, I had more than pleasant game and it was because of nice and
  working game team. Unfortunately I didn't see whole game, but parts which I
  saw were impressing, especially when you remember that this was the first 
  game for most gamemasters and several players.

  I'll advertise W3 Austria and add the pictures in the web site of Wanderer.
  The URL will be: www.wanderer.org/w3b/

  I'm positive, that this was a start to the new era of international game
  sagas and of course I'm a bit proud that it was my system ;=)

  I look forward to see all of you in Finland, hopefully even next year.
  As I promised, I'll check when the Nordic LARP convention
  (Knutepunk/Solmukohta) will be arranged. Currently it seems that it'll
  be in February 2000.

  Other interesting possibilities are of course RopeCon 2000, the largest 
  RPG, LARP and related event, that'll be in the first weekend of August 2000.
  Around that time, we'll have several games each weekend in Finland, so if 
  you happen to come to Finland, you'll have good possibilities to choice
  which sort of games you'd like to take a part of.

  The next Wanderer Game will be held, most likely in Y2002, but more about
  that later on.
  In the mean time I'll be doing one Bad Taste -trashlarp and Bold &
  Beautifull Larp for our Christmast Party. The exact dates will be: 

  On the coming summer or autumn, I'll try find time to make my next bigger
  project, the plane hijacking larp. That will not be just joyfull larp among 
  the others, but more like an experience.
  I will also create new larp related mailing lists, which are meant for
  communication between Wanderer Players, Wanderer GameMasters and people 
  who're just interested of international larp development.

  List names:
  players@lists.wanderer.org              -> Wanderer Players discussion list
  gm-austria@lists.wanderer.org           -> For current and future Wanderer GM's  
  larp-development@lists.wanderer.org     -> For people interested of creating in
                                           larps, connections and so on
  mailto:plane@lists.wanderer.org         -> The plane hijacking

  And remember, that YOUR written debrief is essential for gamemasters. The
  debriefs must be sent to: debrief@wanderer.org

  BTW, could you forward this to as many Wanderer Austria Players as 


Timo Multamäki                     +358-40-5479523
President & CEO                    timo.multamaki@zpg.fi
Zorgon Pettersson Group Oy         http://www.zpg.fi

Copyright 1997 Eteläsuomen Rooli- ja Strategiapeliyhdistys ry.
All rights reserved. Copyright of all material is property of the respected owner.
Written by Timo.Multamaki@wanderer.org on 28.06.1998.
Übersetzung: das thomasson.team, Jänner 1999.
Technical comments to webmaster.