

General knowledge in orbit

The orbit of the Earth and the Moon is a living place of some 60 million people. Tens of spaceplanes fly up from the Earth daily and shuttleflights to the Moon are also common.

All the traffic is monitored by Space Control, which has it's headquarters on the Moon. It has huge radar stations that keep track of everything that moves near these orbits. Only stealthcovered Shadow spacecrafts are able to evade detection in those areas. The Moonbased MoonPol keeps the law and order in space, it has some fifty shuttles that patrol the area. Fighting in space is of course stricty forbidden and not economically reasonable as there is a 10 000 Mkr fine for littering space.

Propably the most important stations in orbit are Platform 2, Platform 5, Platform 7 and Platform 8. These are the stations that produce all the food for the 60 million peoples in orbit. They produce some 91125 cubic meters of biomass daily. The mass is then dried and shipped to the stations in orbit and on the return trip, the wastes from the stations is shipped back to be used as fertilizer for the plankton production. It is calculated that if the transportation or production of the foods would be interrupted for a month, it would result in the death of approximately 70 percent of the population.

Water is 98 percent circulated on the stations so most of the transported water is used as rocket fuel. The current sources of water are from the Earth and from the Moon, but the latter needs more and more of the water for it's own consumption. The Jupiters moon Europa is seen as the great gasstation of the universe once somebody get's production going there.

Copyright 1997 Eteläsuomen Rooli- ja Strategiapeliyhdistys ry.
All rights reserved. Copyright of all material is property of the respected owner.
Written by Timo.Multamaki@wanderer.org on 28.06.1998.
Übersetzung: das thomasson.team, Jänner 1999.
Technical comments to webmaster.