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World GovernmentEarth on 2050īs is place without too much central control. Years ago, in the yearly 21st Century when national governments still controlled most of the Earth, they decided to replace old UN to some system which would have more power and possibilities to do something. After two years of hard work and constant arguing year 2015 collapsed Europe, collapsing USA, new emerging powers of East and Russia among others signed the treaty of Jalta II. Only Albania, Australia, Nauru-Islands and Tsad decided to not join the treaty.It gave all military operations, control of the orbit, moon and outer space to this newly founded government. At start World Government was really doing great job. It merged all duplicated functions in to very few functional units which very much easier to control. Idea was to join the forces and powers of the Earth and invade whole solar systems together. Nice idea, but īcause of human nature it was easy to predict that this would never do. It didnīt it took something like four years to merge all, but soon after that, infact June 2119 started the riots. Russia accused Japan of wrongdoings and abuse of common funds. French is complaining arabic countries style of doing things. Everything is slowly breaking, common army is mostly dissolved before it never even really organized. Finally 7th of March 2020 in Vilnius, Lithuenia, The World dominants powers are regrouping once more. This time many of the powers of the last meeting are not present or are not any more among the dominant powers. Following nine days are horrible, some murder attempts, one bomb accident and three suicides precedes the final treaty of World Government: Treaty of Vilnius. Treaty of Vilnius declares that military, defense politics, domestic politics and many other things are left outside world goverments region. World government, anyhow, will be the suppreme leader of rapidly growing population of the Orbit, Moon and Outer Space. Itīs also decided that there will be no more local currencies outside Earth. All trade will be done using Moon Crown, which has stabilized itīs position surprisingly fast. Most of the nations in the Old earth start using EuroYen, which has so far been the replacement of Euro and Japanese Yen and some other minor currencies. USA complaints and refuses to join in the money union and continues usage of US dollars. World Government OrganizationWorld goverment has surprisingly low organization level. Itīs based on commonly accepted values, which makes voting and other organizatory tasks much easier. All countries have amount of votes: /(((SQR[population in millions*GNP/pop. in thousands of MCrīs])*(0.1+number of space stations)/100)/ Which means that for example:
The voting mechanism was commonly accepted although some minor countries with low tech level complained that itīs unequal. World Government is located at neutral ground in artificial island located in the middle of Northern Atlantic. The Island is called Atlantis, like the old legend. World Government has some 700 representatives, who live in Atlantis and also the necassary workers for it. All together there are some 27000 inhabitants in Atlantis. Atlantis is based on three old aircraft carriers, which were joined together and then heavily modified. World Government Duties:World government is the key element in the common foreign politics of Earth. Itīs also a major economical power. |
Copyright 1997
Eteläsuomen Rooli- ja Strategiapeliyhdistys ry.
All rights reserved. Copyright of all material is property of the respected owner.
Written by Timo.Multamaki@wanderer.org on 28.06.1998.
Übersetzung: das thomasson.team, Jänner 1999.
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